Thursday, September 22, 2011

Puzzle Project FUN!

So for an optional project we had to make a puzzle. So at first I was thinking, "ok how can a puzzle teach a student to learn?". I mean when i think of puzzles i think of too many pieces becoming lost and a lot of frustration, so I was a little hesitant about actually attempting the project.

However once i clicked the project tap and read the details of the assignmentI actually thought it sounded pretty neat. It also made me think about all the different dittos that my elementary teachers would hand out to the class and have us complete during each day. Different lessons, topics, or special events always warrented a new set of papers for my ever growing folder.

Looking back I could probably find a bunch of old dittos from halloween, science, spring, spelling, and probably even some about math too. Really no lesson was off limits or impossible to make a puzzle for. As a student you never really think about the benefits of doing a simple puzzle or that you are even learning something but really you are. Through puzzles we are taught vocabulary, science and math terms, and other different facts. And as a student we find puzzles to be both challenging and fun at the same. Part of the challenge of being a teacher is to incorporate fun activities into lessons so that students enjoy learning new facts.

After making a few of the puzzles I actually found myself wanting to make some for myself just for fun. My friends even enjoyed doing some of my puzzles after I printed a few out. Puzzles are very versitle and can be used for anything!

 And really what student doesn't enjoy solving a good puzzle challenge?!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Week 3 About Me!


• My name is Amanda Silverman. My friend is right next to me and is just listing off random words to describe me so blame her for these random words: random, humorous, spontaneous, & unique (but not in a bad way according to her). 

While I do approve of those four adjectives I do have to add in a few of my own including: sarcastic, witty, hyper, and a little bit too nerdy for most people's tastes. And by nerdy I don't mean that I am constantly stuck at the library or running around the university with a giant backpack threatening to flip me over. Great now my friend just called me nerdy when she asked what I was doing because I so happened to push my glasses up the bridge of my nose. . . . :). However I do have a huge addiction to purchasing vast quantities of books at any given moment. Seriously I think I brought at least 50 books to school just for fun! 

Now onto some other bland topics just so you know a little bit more about myself. I was adopted at three days old and actually spent my first night out of the hospital in a laundry basket so i was definitely super comfy. With my family now I have no siblings but my birth mother gave birth to one older sibling and one younger one. Currently when I am home I live with my DAD! I am from Long Island, which was actually made from parts of glacier residue or something. 

Now as I stated above I am a hyper person and tend to move from one thing to another when it comes to actually keeping my interest in things. I love to go running/jogging, and well basically doing anything athletic including playing frisbee horribly, attempting to kayak, or trying to start the first Cortland Bobsled Team. I also am an avid reader, as if you could not tell from above, and I also enjoy watching movies. Of course I cannot ignore my one true favorite: watching Disney movies with my girls! Actually at the moment we are just finishing up watching the Lion King :)

Now I enjoy watching some slasher flicks as much as the next person but I cannot stand actual blood or injuries on real people. Literally I get a strange feeling along my wrist and start shuddering all over. . . yuck! Also I cannot stand spiders! They are gross little buggers with way too many eyes and arms. Plus they have enough venom in them to take down an elephant or something. Also I hate the wind. Really it makes no sense since I am a wind element according to astrology even though my sign is known as the water bearer . . . so I guess water = wind? 

When I am at university I have to keep myself busy so I have had a job on campus since freshmen year. At the moment I serve up orders and sandwiches as Dunkin Donuts and also am a happy sandwich maker at Subway! During the summer I work as a Camp Counselor for young children so basically I get paid to spend time playing sports, eating camp food, and trying to get a tan (so far no luck in six years on that one). 

Someday I hope to take a long plane ride (so not gonna happen with my fear of airplanes) and hop over the pond to visit jolly 'ol England! I have been working on my British accent for years and really want to have a try at making some of those serious guards crack a grin. That would just be Ace! Basically I would love to travel the world to many different places including: Ireland, England, Italy, Australia, Alaska, Colorado (mountain climbing and hiking of course), Montana (wolves and mountains galore), and Japan. 

Now I leave you with one word: Penguins. . . :p

the kind of attitude i want my students to have. . . .

All students should be as enthusiastic about doing a task as this guy. . . . . . just less brain injuries probably, right?