Friday, December 2, 2011

technoloy Helped increase Math in the classroom

Recently I have been able to attend a computer session with my host classroom. I have also been able to observe students completing reading work and quizzes on the classroom computer. Students, who I rarely see speaking in class, are easily able to complete tasks and questions that they usually struggle with when doing reading handouts or speaking in class.

Also, students were able to show a great amount of Math knowledge and skill when being in the computer class. Students logged onto the computer and were able to go onto a website that gave them practice problems. As I walked around, I noticed many students were easily completing the questions and moving onto different topics.

Students have a very firm and good grasp on using technology. Doing the regualr dittos seems to not work as well with students. But sadly there is not a lot of technology in my host classroom, which is a shame because those students would really benefit in showing their skills and learning abilities.

1 comment:

  1. That is great that you got to see the effect that technology has on the students' academics. It is a problem in many low budget schools though, that there is not many oppurtunities to integrate technology in the classroom.
